The first Brexit months are over.
Much is already going well but there is always room for improvement.
Our dedicated and extensive “Brexit desk” has shown lately that our long ,intensive preparations these last few years have not been in vain.
We require a lot of information from our customers. It will take some getting used to for all parties but has been proven to work!
This results in having “all signals on green” even before our customer’s shipment is on its way.
This might seem simple but nothing could be further from the truth.
It takes a lot of extra time to constantly keep checking the enormous amount of required input to make sure it’s on time and directed to the right systems.
Unfortunately we do not have complete control when wanting to increase the efficiency. There will have to be some massive developments in the UK in the way information should be handled.
We expect these developments the upcoming period and naturally Systematic will quickly adept to them.
Fortunately our customers have been more than pleased with our handling of their business.
By communicating intensively through e-mail and telephone we have been able to prevent of great deal of
delay or standstill of shipments.
Essential to the way we work is clear communication and mutual cooperation. That’s our main goal: creating a long-term partnership with our customer.
England might not be very far, at the moment it takes a lot of extra “Brexit Handling” to get shipment to their destination.